Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday Morning, So Much to Do!

Good morning all! Yesterday was quite productive. I got grocery shopping out of the way and I'm set to cook for today. Also got to the Y and ran 30 minutes on the Elliptical. I did a few minutes on the Nautilus circuit, but I had forgot my sheet that has the weights and numbers for me. I think I went a little high! My pecs are SCREAMING this morning.

Walked to and from work at a nice clip since I was either late or cold. Drank a little last night and ate at Denny's. HOWEVER, we stayed away from French fries. No mayo or bacon on my sandwich. I don't think we did TOO bad. Plus it was a Saturday night and I'm alright with that night being a little sketchy.

Cooking for the week today, plus raquetball!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

Worked out today even though I had the kiddo with me.....

Did 20 minutes on the elliptical machine since we didn't get to the Y until 9:20 and had to be at Curves at 10 am. Went 3 times around at Curves then stretched.


Couple of rice cakes for breakfast.
Friendly's salad: Oriental Chicken
Snacks: Wheat Thins and Cheese
Frozen Yogurt

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Don't Forget to Breathe.......

Just added some new poses to my yoga routine. I usually do Yoga for about 17-20 minutes and then jump right into stability ball calethetics(sp)...I decided the poses I've been doing for the past few weeks are no longer challenging. So I went in search of new poses.

Here's the site I found Hatha Yoga.

I love this site because it goes step by step, it has animations to follow, and it explains what each pose actually does for your body. Very helpful.

The stress relieving poses are great and fairly easy. I reccomend them for beginners! The actual yoga poses range from intermediate to difficult. I am seriously sore after adding about 15 poses to my routine last night. I went from 20 minutes to 45.

For those of you who don't believe Yoga is a workout, come feel my muscles. I don't go to the gym, I don't have time. I would rather spend my time at home with my fiance and my family. I would rather curl up and read my book after a good relaxing workout than drive home.

Check out the site and give it a try!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

A little lapse...

Well, I took a couple of days off from the exercising. I noted that I had dropped a pound last week and then TOM hit. Damn I hate this. It makes me lathargic. I'm sure I spelled that wrong....

Not only did I take a few days off, I also went off plan on Monday night. Multi-chamber business mixer on a boat. Yep, you know it, trapped on a boat with a dessert tray and alcohol. I gave in, but didn't really enjoy it.

I'm back since, hopped right back on the wagon on Tuesday morning. I'm staying Phase II until October 1st. My new idea is do 1 week of Phase one at the beginning of every month. Just to give my weight loss a kick-start.

The treadmill is officially dead, so last night I went out with my discman and the Divine Miss Dion and kept a steady pace for 4 1/2 miles, no breaks, no stopping. It felt really really good.

Tried to get up and do a video this morning, but it turns out I had an early meeting instead. Grrr.... I'm going to order a couple new ones to help with my motivation.

Had a great breakfast and snack today. Danon Light N Fit Creamy French Vanilla Yogurt, dried apples (organic, no sugar), and brown organic rice cake. Grabbed a SF Sobe Adrenaline for some extra vitamins.

I'm feeling good today, despite my lapse.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Crazy Days

Well the past week has been insanity and exercise! :)

Tennis with Bryon has gotten a bit more interesting as we're both starting to get into our groove. There are a few problems though. One: US Open causes Tennis Fever and more people want to be on the lighted courts at night. Two: It's getting darker earlier, cooler earlier. We'll need to look for a park closer to work.

Last weekend we went up to the Glen for a hike. 1 1/2 miles up and I do mean up. Lots and lots of stone steps. We took it at a powerwalk pace. Beautiful though, really truly beautiful.

Sunday I took out Chad's bike with his odometer and timer on it and headed for the hill. Chad had taken a course before and said it was only 2 miles. Apparently he went halfway up and then coasted back down because at 2 miles I was still climbing! I came down the other side determined not to give in and it ended up being 5 miles in just under an hour! Wheew!

I think the Treadmill has died. It's plugged in and won't light up.....the dreaded word Gym lurks ever closer.

I've been totally engrossed in the September exercise challenge on 3FC South Beach Forum. Not so much wanting to win, but wanting to keep up and more so, wanting to lose the pounds. I've been working at getting in at least 30 minutes a day and it's going well.

BIG SECRET: Ok, so I could't decide if sex counted as exercise or not. We're not talking sex at 74, I mean youthful, crazy, passionate stuff. The kind where you're close to falling off the bed! :) However, in wishing to keep peace and not offend anyone, which I seem to be good at being one of the only Republicans on the board, I haven't asked. So I'm counting it as of last night as "Stretch Exercise".....SHHHH!

Now I must look to Friday and the weekend and hope for clear skies and bright ideas!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Day 2 of September Workout

Last night got in great yoga work out! Full 35 minutes and a nice sweat.

Consisted of -

Yoga Poses:
-Each is held for 45 seconds on each side.
Side Stretch
Downward Facing Dog
Upward Facing Dog
Leg Pull
Forward Bend
Seated Twist

Stability Ball Exercises:
Foward Crunches - 100 reps
Oblique Crunches - 50 reps per side
Pelvic Tilits - 30 reps
Squat Thrusts - 30 reps
Push-ups - 30 reps
Tricep Dips - 30 reps
Thigh Squeezes - 15 reps held for 10 sec/pc

I think I'm leaving something out...but oh well!

This morning I got up and got in a late treadmill trail. Did Gorge Trail for 20 minutes. Again, nice healthy sweat.

Looks like I forgot to bring any money in for lunch today....we'll see what happens with food!